Title: Wasting away. Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Angst/failed Romance. Pairing(s): Alfred, Arthur. Appearances from India, Hungary, Germany. Rating/Warnings: 12-ish, anti-climactic. Wordcount: 3838. Summary: A sad and overly long word-doodle.
Title: Caring and oversharing. Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Family. Pairing(s): Alfred, Arthur. Appearances from Gordon Brown, Barack Obama and David Cameron. Rating/Warnings: PG, minor rudeness. Wordcount: 2693. Summary: Arthur faints during talks between England and America.
Title: Latecomer. Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Angst. Pairing(s): Alfred, Arthur. Appearances from Belgium, Serbia Rating/Warnings: PG, minor rudeness. Wordcount: 1062. Summary: World War I fic, post Battle of the Somme (1916).
Title: Desert rain. Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Hurt/comfort. Pairing(s): Arthur, Matthew. Rating/Warnings: PG, minor rudeness. Wordcount: 897. Summary: Afghanistan war related. A little sad and depressing due to the fact war isn't pleasant.
Title: Snow Day. Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Fluff. Pairing(s): Alfred, Arthur, Matthew. Rating/Warnings: PG, minor rudeness. Wordcount: 717. Summary:Complete fluff - written about the unusually heavy snows that covered Britain a couple of weeks ago. My area was consistently covered with eight to ten inches for almost three weeks, something that I don't
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Title: After? Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Drama/Historical. Pairing(s): Alfred/Arthur, Ludwig/Gilbert friendship. Rating/Warnings: PG. Wordcount: 390. Summary: Ludwig watches his enemies after he is defeated in WWII, it's not just the defeat that hurts.
Title: Retribution. Fandom: Hetalia. Genre: Drama/Historical. Pairing(s): Alfred/Arthur. Rating/Warnings: Teen for minor language. Wordcount: 170. Summary: Another word-doodle. Arthur in WW2. Written solely for the line 'You are right off my Christmas card list!'